Monday, October 20, 2008

Books: The Savage Detectives by Roberto Bolano

We have been working on this book, The Savage Detectives by Roberto Bolano for several months now. We found it quite long, apparently plotless, and lacking a central voice. After finishing, we feel lost and not quite sure whether or not we enjoyed the read.

The book chronicles a group of Latin American poets known as the 'Visceral Realists' in and around Mexico City through the 1920's and 30's. The group is lead by Alberto Belano and Ulises Lima, both strong and very different personalities that attempt to publish great poets, keep the group in order, and journey deep into Mexico to find the mother of Visceral Realism. This book was an interesting read and we enjoyed it, but it was too long and disjointed to be the classic we have heard it proclaimed to be.

Quick vote: Though this book was interesting and thought provoking, we found it lacking. We won't attempt to dissuade you from reading it, but we won't reccomend it to you either.

Aunt Annie's Two Cents: I once went to school to be a detective; I failed the psych exam. Also, I am renown for my savagery in the game of 'Pulley.' Ask anyone.

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