Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Music: The Black Keys - Brothers

We consider ourselves bitches with some funk and soul. Sammi's background is more WASPB-y (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant Bitch), but Maggie has roots in R&B, she is brown after all. So we were pleased to find an album that gets our tails twitching and our paws snapping.

The Black Keys have really created an incredible album with 'Brothers.' The music is a great mixture of blues, rock, electronica, and awesome. Many 'Best Albums of 2010' have included it in their numbers (including Spin, Rolling Stone, and Amazon). We love every song on this album, which is rare for a band to pull off.

In a world filled with crappy music, it's great to hear something that is quite as awesome with such a stellar list as 'Brothers.' And if you still need more coercing, there's a song called "Howlin' For You" that seemed especially written for us. Check it out wherever you get your tunes!

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